Windsor Historical Society Board Elects First Black President

Normally Windsor Historical Society helps people explore the town’s diverse history. Last month they

made a little of their own. On June 12, the Society’s Board of Directors elected four new members and

a new slate of officers. The Board’s new president, Randy McKenney, is the Society’s first Black

president in its 102-year history. Randy recognizes the symbolism of this milestone. “I’m thrilled to

serve the Society in this role, especially with this great group of people at this time in our

organization’s history,” he notes. “We’ve charted a significant new course over the past three years,

and it’s important that the whole Windsor community sees Society leadership that represents them.”

McKenney is joined by Vice President Liz Burke, Secretary Daniel Crittenden, Treasurer Mark Walker

and Assistant Treasurer Randy Graff. The Society’s four newest board members are Hilary Carpenter,

Sarah Gilligan, Lance Hall, and David Pugliese, who join re-elected board members McKenney and

Walter Stevenson as the Board class of 2023.

People of color now comprise 47% of Windsor Historical Society’s 17-person Board of Directors, which

also includes two student representatives, according to Executive Director Doug Shipman. “We have

worked hard over the past three years to become a more inclusive organization and more

representative of the Windsor community in all aspects,” remarks Shipman “It’s a long-term process,

and we still have much more work to do. Our goal is that all Windsor people see themselves reflected

in their shared history here and experience the Society as a vital part of their community.”

Stepping down from the Board after many years of dedicated leadership are Kathy Carroll, Jim Welsh,

John Berky, and Agnes Pier. John and Agnes have both served as Board President, overseeing many

changes, including the campaign to restore and reinterpret the Strong-Howard House, an executive

director transition, and the ongoing effort to build a more inclusive organization. Each outgoing Board

member was recognized during a June 21 Board Member and Volunteer Appreciation Reception.

For more information or to see the Society’s strategic plan goals visit, or

contact the Society at:, or 860-688-3813.

Pictured here are (from left to right) Lance Hall, Secretary Daniel Crittenden, Sarah Gilligan, David Pugliese, Vice President Liz Burke and President Randy McKenney. Not available for the picture were Treasurer Mark Walker, Assistant Treasurer Randy Graff, and new Board member Hilary Carpenter.

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